Traveling Tokens
It is of little traits that the greatest human character is composed.
- William Winter
The Traveling Tokens project was developed by the Advanced Ceramics students at Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School. Through mold making processes, students made multiples of a uniquely designed clay token of personal value to be shared with the community. Students discussed symbolism in art as they developed their original designs. Once multiples were created students finalized their designs through glazing and painting the surface. The uplifting and inspirational character traits are then shared from person to person as each token is passed on . Through this passing a supportive social structure is encouraged.
It is of little traits that the greatest human character is composed.
- William Winter
The Traveling Tokens project was developed by the Advanced Ceramics students at Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School. Through mold making processes, students made multiples of a uniquely designed clay token of personal value to be shared with the community. Students discussed symbolism in art as they developed their original designs. Once multiples were created students finalized their designs through glazing and painting the surface. The uplifting and inspirational character traits are then shared from person to person as each token is passed on . Through this passing a supportive social structure is encouraged.
This lesson was inspired by the 15th Century British inventor, Josiah Wedgwood who developed a series of anti-slavery tokens. Wedgwood was a famous 18th century British ceramics innovator and industrialist. In 1787, he mass-produced these small copper tokens (above) depicting anti-slavery imagery and slogans. These tokens were widely circulated and helped raise public attention to the cause of abolition and the injustices of slavery. Wedgwood's success went beyond his ceramics manufacturing to his support for human rights.
With these ideas, inspiration was accelerate through the success of another art project involving the passing of objects to communicate universal ideas.
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With these ideas, inspiration was accelerate through the success of another art project involving the passing of objects to communicate universal ideas.
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